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About Ralph Nardini

The Nardini Group
July 2015 – Present
  • Partner with Advancement teams to develop moves management processes and establish yearly segmentation, enhancing future donor giving. 
  • Provide Advancement department Audits and Planning/Feasibility studies, developing strategies to improve fundraising through donor relationship development.  
  • Provide on-going mentoring and coaching of key Advancement team personnel.   
  • Create and construct solicitation strategies for Capital, Endowment and Annual Giving campaigns.  
St. Xavier High School August 
1997 – Present
Vice President of Advancement/Major and Planned Gifts Officer
  • Reported directly to the President of the school. Worked closely with the Board of Trustees and the Leadership of the School. Staff liaison to the Advancement Committee of the Board. 
  • Introduced and implemented a successful ongoing Major Gift Program by instituting and using Moves Management processes. 
  • Planned the campaign solicitation strategy for the school’s $100 Million comprehensive campaign in 2012, a 10-year campaign, that eclipsed goal by reaching $101 Million almost four years early. 
  • Designed and managed a $45 Million 7-year campaign in 2003 that reached goal two years early. 
  • Introduced segmentation to focus major gift solicitation. 
For more information please contact Ralph Nardini by phone at 513-616-0902 or by email at Ralph@thenardinigroup.com. Check out our website at www.thenardinigroup.com.   
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